Please cite this article as: Gheorghiev C, de Montleau F, Clervoy P, Dangerosité et milieu militaire, Annales medio-psychologiques (2008), doi:10.1016/j.amp.2009.06.021 This is a PDF file of an unedited manuscript that has been accepted for publication. As a service to our customers we are providing this early version of the manuscript. The manuscript will undergo copyediting, typesetting, and review of the resulting proof before it is published in its final form. Please note that during the production process errors may be discovered which could affect the content, and all legal disclaimers that apply to the journal pertain. Methods. -The concept of dangerousness refers to the uncertain eventuality of a threat, by implying potential realization of a danger which can express himself according to multiple modalities, the common denominator of which articulates around a dimension of violence. The explicitation of the diverse notions which are frequently associated with it in a partial semantic stepping was a preliminary exercise necessary for the study of this complex phenomenon, by distinguishing what is of the register of the subject, its environment and the present situation.From these preliminary data, our study of the dangerousness was limited to that of a dangerousness applied to a given environment, the military environment, going from theoretical general points to a more restricted expression of the dangerousness. This transition finds its relevance in the absence of specificity a priori of the military population in comparison with the general population, where only the function here comes to particularize the subject. Peculiarities of expression of the dangerousness due to the dimension of constraints that the military environment implies, but also because of specificities organized around two essential coordinates, that liking the question of the weapons the availability of which appears to the foundation of the exercise of the function of serviceman and that bound to the question of the group within which evolves the subject the interrelations of which modulate and sometimes condition the emergence of a potential dangerousness. Thus was described a particular dangerous collective phenomenon, the panic, whose emergence can deeply disorganize the group by representing a serious danger for its timelessness. The importance of the figure of the chief was emphasized by creating the unity of the group and giving sense to action; his lapse especially during time of war can be the source of important failures in the collective working leading to severe damages.Conclusions. -Dangerousness seems to be connected with army for intrinsic reasons, as the use of weapons which is correlative to its missions and the interrelations between a subject and a group whose disorganization can induce grave consequences. Military constraints due to its strict rules and discipline can participate to an appearance of dangerousness in particular during operational situations, whereas training and preparation enable to reduce the...