The Colombian State, starting with the 1991 Constitution, declared itself as a Social State of Law where the values of Human Rights become a fundamental pillar in the construction of an inclusive society that respects ethnic difference. In this sense, the article aims to describe the legislative developments, particularly, laws and decrees in which affirmative actions are materialized in order to guarantee the right to education of ethnic minorities from their realities and cultural particularities in Colombia, which which is fundamental for the fulfillment of other rights, such as identity, health, among others. To do this, a qualitative investigation is carried out focused on documentary analysis, taking as a reference the laws and decrees published since the Political Constitution of 1991. Documentary analysis is a research methodology that uses documents as a source of information. Documents can be of various types, such as books, articles, reports, etc. Document analysis allows the researcher to obtain information about a specific topic, understand different perspectives on a problem, and develop new ideas. The results show the legal advances in this matter. However, their weaknesses are also evident, which have led to difficulties for the population to effectively access the joy and enjoyment of education, based on its ethnic diversity.