Traditional management tables give their information in separate tables per site class, with age as a parameter. These tables can be combined into one graph. When height and basal area are used as parameters. The resulting height/basal area graph (h/ba graph) is a useful management tool as age and site class are eliminated as variables. With the measurement of height and basal area, these h/ba graphs will not only provide estimates of standing volume, but will also indicate the necessity of thinning and the expected harvest. To facilitate management decisions, different forest parcels can be compared on one h/ba graph, indicating the relative need for thinning. Forest parcels can also be followed throughout their development on a separate h/ba graph each.The height/basal area graph is an objective measure for use by forester and contractor to check the thinning operation. During or after thinning, the quality of the job done can be checked by measuring height and basal area and plotting the result on a h/ba graph.Graphs, based on Forest Management Tables (metric), are shown for Norway spruce, Japanese larch and Douglas fir. Key words: Thinning, height, basal area, site class, yield class, volume, management.