At the end of the decade of the 90’s of the 20th century, the Calakmul Archaeological Project reported an unfinished monument, listed by Martin as Stela 117, which was found in Structure IV. On the front, the hieroglyphics were uncarved, but still show a figure carrying warrior attributes sitting on a throne located on the top of a witz basement with a toponymic name. In the monument’s informative card at the Museo de la Arquitectura Maya of the Baluarte de la Soledad (in Campeche, México) where it is exhibited, mentions that it’s an “Early Classic lintel in which it’s represented K’altun Hix” who was one of the early ajawtaak of the Kaan dynasty. However, formally the monument does not seems like a lintel, stylistically it does not coincide with the proposed chronology and, also, the Kaan dynasty was not installed in Calakmul yet during the Early Classic. Therefore, through the iconographic analysis of the monument, with and emphasis on the symbolic elements that are still preserved and taking into account the historical and archaeological context of the Structure IV, we will discuss the possible temporality, the type of monument and who the character represented could be.