One of the main consequences of the impacts of the past economic and financial crisis, which began in 2007–2008, has been the increase in inequalities between countries, regions, and territories of the EU. In the rural sphere, these disparities are not only observed in an urban–rural dichotomy, but are also evident between rural–rural territories. In this context, it is relevant to develop research based on the concept of territorial cohesion aimed at overcoming the development challenges faced by different types of rural territories. This paper addresses the empirical analysis of territorial cohesion in the rural areas of Andalusia (Spain), one of the European regions most affected by the economic crisis. To this effect, a methodology was designed that measures the level of territorial cohesion of different types of rural territories and identifies the factors that influence this cohesion in each case. The results show that factors such as employment and innovation, economic diversification, availability of natural resources and environmental quality, or information and communication technologies (ICTs) contribute to territorial cohesion in rural areas.