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The multiple factors that define and relate service quality and customer or consumer satisfaction have served as the basis for the development of several multidimensional models that have allowed the study of this important issue. The level of research that will be used in this work is the explanatory levelbecause it is intended to evaluate the role of innovation in the design of the service quality improvement plan and its impact on customer satisfaction. As a case study, the M7D model was applied to two national banks. Among other results, national banks obtained 83.5% compliance with the M7D model, the dimensions with the best performance are customer satisfaction, organization, processes and social responsibility. While, medium-sized banks have a compliance level of 62.7% with the M7D model, the dimensions with the best performance are customer satisfaction, Social responsibility and leadership. It is concluded that banks must innovate at the level of preparation and training of human resources and adequacy. Keywords: quality of service, customer satisfaction, models, innovation References [1]Silva-Treviño J. C., Macías-Hernández B. A., Tello-Leal E., Jesús Gerardo Delgado-Rivas (2021) Ciencia UAT. 15(2): 85-101. [2]Mora Contreras C. E.(2011) REMark - Revista Brasileira de Marketing, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 2, p 146-162, mai./ago. 2011. [3]Bustamante, J. C. (2015). Uso de variables mediadoras y moderadoras en la explicación de la lealtad del consumidor en ambientes de servicios. Estudios Gerenciales. 31(136): 299-309. [4]Lai, C. and Nguyen, M. (2017). Factors affecting service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty of mobile phone servi-ce providers in Vietnam. International Journal of Organizatio-nal Innovation. 10(2): 75-85. [5]Ahrholdt, D. C., Gudergan, S. P., and Ringle, C. M. (2017). Enhancing service loyalty: The roles of delight, satisfaction, and service quality. Journal of Travel Research. 56(4): 436-450. [6]Blut, M., Frennea, C. M., Mittal, V., and Mothersbaugh, D. L. (2015). How procedural, financial and relational switching costs affect customer satisfaction,repurchase intentions, and repurchase behavior: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Re- search in Marketing. 32(2): 226-229. [7]Kasiri, L. A., Guan-Cheng, K. T., Sambasivan, M., and Sidin, S. M. (2017). Integration of standardization and customization: Impact on service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 35: 91-97. [8]Bilderbeek, R y otros. Services en Innovation: Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) as Co-producers of Innovation. En SI14S Project. SI14SSynthesis Papers nro. 3. STEP Group, 1998. [9]Parasuraman, V; Zeithaml, A; Berry, L. SERVQUAL: A Multiple Item Scale for Measuring Costumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing.Vol 64, Nro 1. Spring. pp. 12-40, 1998. [10]Puente, Raquel. Del mercadeo de servicios a la gerencia de servicios. Revista Debates IESA. Vol. X. Nro. 3. Caracas. pp. 13-16, 2005. [11]Santarelli, E; Piergiovanni, R. Analyzing literature based innovation output indicators: the Italian experience. Research Policy. Vol 25. pp. 689-711, 1996. [12] ACSI, American Customer Satisfaction Index (2018). Customer satisfaction reports. American Customer Satisfaction In-dex. [Online]. Available: -resources/customer-satisfaction-reports/reports-2018. [13]Azman, I. and Yusrizal, S. (2016). Service quality as a predictor of satisfaction and customer loyalty. Scientific Journal of Logistics. 12(4): 269-283. [14]Aznar, J. P., Bagur, L., and Rocafort, A. (2016). Impact of service quality on competitiveness and profitability: The hotel industry in the Catalan coast. Intangible Capital. 12(1): 147-166. [15]Cronin, J., Morris, M. H., and Taylor, S. (1994). Servperf vs. Servqual: reconciling performance based and perceptions minus expectations measurement of service quality. Journal of Marketing. 58(1): 125-131. [16]El-Adly, M. I. (2019). Modelling the relationship between hotel perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 50: 322-332. [17]Guesalaga, R. and Pitta, D. (2014). The importance and formalization of service quality dimensions: a comparison of Chile and the USA. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 31(2): 145-151. [18]Kumar, V. and Hundal, B. S. (2019). Evaluating the service quality of solar product companies using SERVQUAL model. In- ternational Journal of Energy Sector Management. 13(3): 670-693. [19]Shi, Y., Prentice, C., and He, W. (2014). Linking service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in casinos, does membership matter. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 40: 81-91. [20]Tomaz-de-Aquino, J., Valença-de-Souza, J., Lima da Silva, V., Jerônimo, T., and Melo, F. (2018). Factors that influence the quality of services providedby the bus rapid transit system. Ben-chmarking: An International Journal. 25(9): 4035-4057. [21]López, L. I. y Díaz, J. D. (2012). Propuesta metodológica para la gestión del cliente. Mercados y Negocios. 25(13): 5-20. [22]Michna, A. (2018). The mediating role of firm innovativeness in the relationship between knowledge sharing and custo- mer satisfaction in SMEs. Engineering Economics 29(1): 93-103. [23]Jain, P. and Aggarwal, V. S. (2017). The effect of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in organized retail chains. Amity Business Review. 18(2): 77-89. [24]Palese, B. and Usai, A. (2018). The relative importance of service quality dimensions in E-commerce experiences. Inter- national Journal of Information Management. 40: 132-140. [25]Zhang, S. and Hou, Y. (2013). A SERVQUAL model for assess- ment of service quality in supply chain. Information Technology Journal. 12(15): 3472-3475. [26]Duque, E. (2005). Revisión del concepto de calidad del servicio y sus modelos de medición. Revista Innovar, 25(ene-jun), 64-80. [27]Falk, T., Hammerschimdt, M., & Schepers, J. (2010). The service quality-satisfaction link revisted: asymmetries and dynamics. Journal of the Academy ofMarketing Science, 38(3), 288-302. [28]Arzola, Minerva; Mejías, Agustín Modelo conceptual para gestionar la innovación en las empresas del sector servicios Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, vol. 12, núm. 37, enero-marzo, 2007, pp. 80-98. [29]González, A., & Brea, F. (2006). Relación entre la calidad del servicio y la satisfacción del consumidor: Su evaluación en el ámbito del turismo termal.Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 12(1): 251-272. [30]Olorunniwo, F.; Hsu, M.K., and Udo, G.J. (2006). Service Quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions in the service factory. Journal ofServices Marketing, 20(1), 59-72. [31]Morales S. V., and Hernández, A. (2004). Calidad y Satisfacción en los servicios: Conceptualización. Efedeportes Revista Digital, 10(73). [32]Olorunniwo, F.; Hsu, M.K., and Udo, G.J. (2006). Service Quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions in the service factory. Journal of Services Marketing, 20(1), 59-72. [33]Parasuraman, A.; Zeithalm, V., and Berry, L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality.Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12-40. [34]Guadarrama Tavira, E.; Rosales Estrada, E. M. (2015) Marketing relacional: valor, satisfacción, lealtad y retención del cliente. análisis y reflexión teórica Ciencia y Sociedad, vol. 40, núm. 2. 307-340. [35]Bilderbeek, R y otros. Services en Innovation: Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) as Co-producers of Innovation. En SI14S Project. SI14SSynthesis Papers nro. 3. STEP Group, 1998. [36]Arzola M. (2007) ¿cómo medir la innovación en el sector servicios?: evidencia empírica en el sector financiero, Venezuela, UCT, 11, 45. 115-122.
The multiple factors that define and relate service quality and customer or consumer satisfaction have served as the basis for the development of several multidimensional models that have allowed the study of this important issue. The level of research that will be used in this work is the explanatory levelbecause it is intended to evaluate the role of innovation in the design of the service quality improvement plan and its impact on customer satisfaction. As a case study, the M7D model was applied to two national banks. Among other results, national banks obtained 83.5% compliance with the M7D model, the dimensions with the best performance are customer satisfaction, organization, processes and social responsibility. While, medium-sized banks have a compliance level of 62.7% with the M7D model, the dimensions with the best performance are customer satisfaction, Social responsibility and leadership. It is concluded that banks must innovate at the level of preparation and training of human resources and adequacy. Keywords: quality of service, customer satisfaction, models, innovation References [1]Silva-Treviño J. C., Macías-Hernández B. A., Tello-Leal E., Jesús Gerardo Delgado-Rivas (2021) Ciencia UAT. 15(2): 85-101. [2]Mora Contreras C. E.(2011) REMark - Revista Brasileira de Marketing, São Paulo, v. 10, n. 2, p 146-162, mai./ago. 2011. [3]Bustamante, J. C. (2015). Uso de variables mediadoras y moderadoras en la explicación de la lealtad del consumidor en ambientes de servicios. Estudios Gerenciales. 31(136): 299-309. [4]Lai, C. and Nguyen, M. (2017). Factors affecting service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty of mobile phone servi-ce providers in Vietnam. International Journal of Organizatio-nal Innovation. 10(2): 75-85. [5]Ahrholdt, D. C., Gudergan, S. P., and Ringle, C. M. (2017). Enhancing service loyalty: The roles of delight, satisfaction, and service quality. Journal of Travel Research. 56(4): 436-450. [6]Blut, M., Frennea, C. M., Mittal, V., and Mothersbaugh, D. L. (2015). How procedural, financial and relational switching costs affect customer satisfaction,repurchase intentions, and repurchase behavior: A meta-analysis. International Journal of Re- search in Marketing. 32(2): 226-229. [7]Kasiri, L. A., Guan-Cheng, K. T., Sambasivan, M., and Sidin, S. M. (2017). Integration of standardization and customization: Impact on service quality, customer satisfaction, and loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 35: 91-97. [8]Bilderbeek, R y otros. Services en Innovation: Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) as Co-producers of Innovation. En SI14S Project. SI14SSynthesis Papers nro. 3. STEP Group, 1998. [9]Parasuraman, V; Zeithaml, A; Berry, L. SERVQUAL: A Multiple Item Scale for Measuring Costumer Perceptions of Service Quality. Journal of Retailing.Vol 64, Nro 1. Spring. pp. 12-40, 1998. [10]Puente, Raquel. Del mercadeo de servicios a la gerencia de servicios. Revista Debates IESA. Vol. X. Nro. 3. Caracas. pp. 13-16, 2005. [11]Santarelli, E; Piergiovanni, R. Analyzing literature based innovation output indicators: the Italian experience. Research Policy. Vol 25. pp. 689-711, 1996. [12] ACSI, American Customer Satisfaction Index (2018). Customer satisfaction reports. American Customer Satisfaction In-dex. [Online]. Available: -resources/customer-satisfaction-reports/reports-2018. [13]Azman, I. and Yusrizal, S. (2016). Service quality as a predictor of satisfaction and customer loyalty. Scientific Journal of Logistics. 12(4): 269-283. [14]Aznar, J. P., Bagur, L., and Rocafort, A. (2016). Impact of service quality on competitiveness and profitability: The hotel industry in the Catalan coast. Intangible Capital. 12(1): 147-166. [15]Cronin, J., Morris, M. H., and Taylor, S. (1994). Servperf vs. Servqual: reconciling performance based and perceptions minus expectations measurement of service quality. Journal of Marketing. 58(1): 125-131. [16]El-Adly, M. I. (2019). Modelling the relationship between hotel perceived value, customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 50: 322-332. [17]Guesalaga, R. and Pitta, D. (2014). The importance and formalization of service quality dimensions: a comparison of Chile and the USA. Journal of Consumer Marketing. 31(2): 145-151. [18]Kumar, V. and Hundal, B. S. (2019). Evaluating the service quality of solar product companies using SERVQUAL model. In- ternational Journal of Energy Sector Management. 13(3): 670-693. [19]Shi, Y., Prentice, C., and He, W. (2014). Linking service quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty in casinos, does membership matter. International Journal of Hospitality Management. 40: 81-91. [20]Tomaz-de-Aquino, J., Valença-de-Souza, J., Lima da Silva, V., Jerônimo, T., and Melo, F. (2018). Factors that influence the quality of services providedby the bus rapid transit system. Ben-chmarking: An International Journal. 25(9): 4035-4057. [21]López, L. I. y Díaz, J. D. (2012). Propuesta metodológica para la gestión del cliente. Mercados y Negocios. 25(13): 5-20. [22]Michna, A. (2018). The mediating role of firm innovativeness in the relationship between knowledge sharing and custo- mer satisfaction in SMEs. Engineering Economics 29(1): 93-103. [23]Jain, P. and Aggarwal, V. S. (2017). The effect of perceived service quality on customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in organized retail chains. Amity Business Review. 18(2): 77-89. [24]Palese, B. and Usai, A. (2018). The relative importance of service quality dimensions in E-commerce experiences. Inter- national Journal of Information Management. 40: 132-140. [25]Zhang, S. and Hou, Y. (2013). A SERVQUAL model for assess- ment of service quality in supply chain. Information Technology Journal. 12(15): 3472-3475. [26]Duque, E. (2005). Revisión del concepto de calidad del servicio y sus modelos de medición. Revista Innovar, 25(ene-jun), 64-80. [27]Falk, T., Hammerschimdt, M., & Schepers, J. (2010). The service quality-satisfaction link revisted: asymmetries and dynamics. Journal of the Academy ofMarketing Science, 38(3), 288-302. [28]Arzola, Minerva; Mejías, Agustín Modelo conceptual para gestionar la innovación en las empresas del sector servicios Revista Venezolana de Gerencia, vol. 12, núm. 37, enero-marzo, 2007, pp. 80-98. [29]González, A., & Brea, F. (2006). Relación entre la calidad del servicio y la satisfacción del consumidor: Su evaluación en el ámbito del turismo termal.Investigaciones Europeas de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 12(1): 251-272. [30]Olorunniwo, F.; Hsu, M.K., and Udo, G.J. (2006). Service Quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions in the service factory. Journal ofServices Marketing, 20(1), 59-72. [31]Morales S. V., and Hernández, A. (2004). Calidad y Satisfacción en los servicios: Conceptualización. Efedeportes Revista Digital, 10(73). [32]Olorunniwo, F.; Hsu, M.K., and Udo, G.J. (2006). Service Quality, customer satisfaction, and behavioral intentions in the service factory. Journal of Services Marketing, 20(1), 59-72. [33]Parasuraman, A.; Zeithalm, V., and Berry, L. (1988). SERVQUAL: A multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality.Journal of Retailing, 64(1), 12-40. [34]Guadarrama Tavira, E.; Rosales Estrada, E. M. (2015) Marketing relacional: valor, satisfacción, lealtad y retención del cliente. análisis y reflexión teórica Ciencia y Sociedad, vol. 40, núm. 2. 307-340. [35]Bilderbeek, R y otros. Services en Innovation: Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) as Co-producers of Innovation. En SI14S Project. SI14SSynthesis Papers nro. 3. STEP Group, 1998. [36]Arzola M. (2007) ¿cómo medir la innovación en el sector servicios?: evidencia empírica en el sector financiero, Venezuela, UCT, 11, 45. 115-122.
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