The photochemical reaction between gaseous CI,, C,CI, and C,CI,H has been further investigated. From the general reaction scheme previously proposed equations have been calculated and tested experimentally for I ) the rate of the reaction CI, +-C2CI,H+ C,Cl, i -HCI yielding 2 relations between rate constants;2) the total rate of disappearance of Clz in mixtures of C,CI, 1-CICI, H ; 3) the competition addition-substitution; 4) the competition substitution-dehydrohalogenation ; 5) the competition dehydrohalogenation-addition;With the previously studied relations for : 6) the rate of addition at low temperatures; 7) the rate of addition at high temperatures; 8) the rate of dehydrohalogenation; 9 relations are now available between 6 rate constants. But since these relationships are not independent, complex rate constants can be determined only e.g. for the four independent combinations. lo(--" 2 T 5720 14 57 T) k,lk'* kdk, kdks'2 k,'/2 k','/?lk,% = ]0(-13 8 16280/4 57 T ) ]O( t 2 56-3020/4,57 T ) 101 t 9 05 -:3085/4 57 T)Since 9 rate equations are available each of these c3mplexe rate constants has been determined by at least 2 independent methods yielding thus a very reliable proof of the mechanism.