Objectives: Latinx immigrant families may face stressful experiences premigration, en route to the host country, and once they arrive in the host country (postmigration). The present study examines the impact of premigration stress and postmigration stress (together defined as immigrant-related stress) on the mental health of Mexican-origin parents and their children using both cross-sectional and longitudinal methodology. Method: Data collection across four timepoints occurred from 2013 to 2018. At Time 1, 104 families were enrolled in the study and met the following criteria: (1) At least one Mexican-origin immigrant parent; (2) One child between the ages of 6-10 years; and (3) Family income at or below 150% of the federal poverty line. Results: Hierarchical multiple regression and hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) were used to analyze the cross-sectional and longitudinal data, respectively. HLM models revealed that higher postmigration stress over time (2013)(2014)(2015)(2016)(2017)(2018) was related to higher mental health problems among parents and children. Higher premigration stress was associated with higher parent-reported child mental health problems, while postmigration stress was associated with higher parent mental health problems. Specifically, discrimination emerged as a salient factor of poor parent mental health. Immigrant-related stress was related to higher total parent and child mental health problems. Conclusion: This study demonstrates the strong impact of postmigration stress on mental health over the span of several years and during a time of heightened stress for many Mexican immigrant communities. The results inform the need for family-wide interventions that address the complexities of immigrant-related stress as well as comprehensive policy changes.
Public Significance StatementLatinx immigrant families may experience stress before migration (poverty, violence) and after migration (fear of deportation, discrimination), which can accumulate over time and impact mental health. This calls for family-wide interventions centered on empowerment and championing comprehensive immigration reform.