We describe simulated models combined with experimental results that investigate mechanisms of ion transport and current rectification in asymmetric nanochannels fabricated from quartz nanopipettes. Numerical simulation of a nanopipette model was performed through coupled Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations. Simulation results suggest the highest degree of rectification does not always appear at lowest electrolyte concentration. To support this model with experimental evidence, pipettes with various geometries were prepared and characterized with current-voltage measurements. Exact geometries of individual pipettes were obtained by scanning electron and scanning transmission microscopies. Current-voltage responses of pipettes with tip radii that varied from 14 nm to 3800 nm and cone angles that varied from 5.0 • to 66 • were measured as a function of electrolyte concentrations over the range of 1 mM to 1000 mM. These studies of ion transport mechanisms through nanopipettes provide a basis for applications of nanopipettes as delivery tools, separation devices or biosensors. Nanopipettes, fabricated from quartz capillaries pulled to nanometer-scale dimensions, have found wide application both as delivery tools for small volumes 1-5 and as probes in scanning probe microscopies. 6-8 Selective transport of ions through a nanopipette can be measured directly through the ion current or through voltage dependent changes in ion current rectification, which describe the extent of asymmetry in current flow. 9 A number of physical models of current rectification in small diameter openings have been developed. [10][11][12][13][14][15] Central to these descriptions of ion current rectification are electrostatic interactions at surface of the nanopore with ions that carry current. Modification of surface charge to introduce general charge discrimination or to transduce surface binding has proven useful both in fundamental studies of nanofluidic phenomena and in sensor applications. [16][17][18][19] Nanopipette studies that utilize ion current rectification as related to metal ions, 20,21 small molecules, 22 polymers 23 and biomolecules 24,25 have been described. Observations of ion current rectification were reported as early as the 1960s for small diameter pipettes, 26,27 but more recent interest in current rectification at nanofabricated pores has sparked renewed interest. [28][29][30][31][32][33][34] Ion transport mechanisms and rectification behaviors of synthetic nanopores have been studied widely with numerical simulation. An interesting observation from these results is the non-monotonic dependence of current rectification with respect to electrolyte concentration. Previous simulations predicted the maximum ion current rectification would appear at an intermediate electrolyte concentration. [35][36][37][38] That is to say, current rectification shows a non-linear response with respect to the Debye length. Simulations 36,39 have predicted that surface charge at the narrowest of a nanofluidic structure play a critical role in ...