A 25-year-old nulligravid was consulted due to inability to have sexual intercourse accompanied by chronic urinary hesitancy, dribbling, and dysmenorrhea. On gynecologic pelvic examination, she presented with complete, adultonset fusion of the labia minora. This paper describes a stepwise management of a reproductive-age woman with complete labial fusion. Treatment goals include etiological determination, anatomic correction, restoration of normal sexual function, improvement of genitourinary function, and improved quality of life. She underwent vaginoscopy with incision of labial agglutination and repair. Corrective surgery has led to full exposure of the normal vaginal introitus. Post-operatively, topical antibiotics, petrolatum gel, and estrogen cream were applied resulting in a normal anatomy after 2 months. Healthy sexual function was achieved and, six months later, she conceived.Labial fusion during reproductive years should be carefully investigated as this is exceedingly rare and unexpected in reproductive-age women with normal hypothalamic pituitary ovarian (HPO) function. Issues of underlying predisposing factors need to be addressed and are necessary to prevent recurrence.