Laboratory experiments using an artificial seagrass meadow modeled after Zostera marina measured the impact of following currents on meadow-induced wave decay as a function of the imposed current velocity U c , wave velocity U w , and wave Cauchy number Ca w , which is the ratio of hydrodynamic drag force to restoring force due to blade stiffness. For small wave-induced reconfiguration of individual seagrass blades Ca w < 2000 ð Þ and U c =U w > 0:5, the addition of current enhanced reconfiguration, which decreased wave decay relative to pure wave conditions. In contrast, when the wave-induced reconfiguration was large Ca w > 2000 ð Þ , the addition of following current did not significantly enhance blade reconfiguration or impact wave damping. Due to canopy drag, the current velocity within the submerged meadow, U 1 , was significantly smaller than the depth-averaged current U c , and a better prediction of wave decay was achieved using U 1 as the relevant velocity. The measured wave decay validated predictions based on a modified Cauchy number, defined for combined waves and current and using the in-canopy velocity U 1 . Practical assumptions to facilitate the prediction of wave decay in the field are discussed and validated.