DOI: 10.1111/ijlh.12993
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Laboratory diagnosis of heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia

Abstract: Heparin‐induced thrombocytopenia (HIT) is a clinical‐pathological disorder; thus, laboratory testing for the pathogenic platelet‐activating antiplatelet factor 4 (PF4)/heparin antibodies is central for diagnosis. The “iceberg” model summarizes the inter‐relationship between platelet activation assays and PF4‐dependent immunoassays, with platelet‐activating antibodies comprising a subset of anti‐PF4/heparin antibodies. The platelet serotonin‐release assay (SRA), performed by reference laboratories, has high sen… Show more

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Cited by 114 publications
(171 citation statements)
References 51 publications
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“…The “4T”score was introduced in 2003 and is a commonly used means of predicting the pretest likelihood of clinical HIT using a scale of 0‐8 points. If the pretest probability score falls between 0 and 3, HIT is clinically unlikely; a score of 4‐5 indicates intermediate probability, while a score of 6‐8 makes HIT diagnosis significantly more likely.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
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“…The “4T”score was introduced in 2003 and is a commonly used means of predicting the pretest likelihood of clinical HIT using a scale of 0‐8 points. If the pretest probability score falls between 0 and 3, HIT is clinically unlikely; a score of 4‐5 indicates intermediate probability, while a score of 6‐8 makes HIT diagnosis significantly more likely.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The "4T"score was introduced in 2003 25 and is a commonly used means of predicting the pretest likelihood of clinical HIT using a scale of 0-8 points. If the pretest probability score falls between 0 and 3, HIT is clinically unlikely; a score of 4 18 Therefore, reporting the quantitative values of LIA along with the positive/negative results may help clinicians better assess the posttest probability of HIT and provide the appropriate management at an earlier time.…”
Section: Discussionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The 4Ts score is a widely used pretest HIT risk assessment tool that uses clinical and laboratory data to risk‐stratify patients with suspected HIT and to determine which patients warrant specific diagnostic testing . The 4Ts score incorporates: (i) the thrombocytopenia magnitude; (ii) the timing of the onset of thrombocytopenia in relation to initiation of heparin; (iii) the occurrence of subsequent thrombotic complications; and (iv) the presence/absence of other causes of thrombocytopenia.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…A clinical decision support (CDS) tool that assists clinicians in recognizing that a hospitalized patient may be experiencing early manifestations of HIT and should undergo diagnostic testing and presumptive therapy for HIT would therefore be of significant benefit. The 4Ts score is a widely used pretest HIT risk assessment tool that uses clinical and laboratory data to riskstratify patients with suspected HIT and to determine which patients warrant specific diagnostic testing [8,9]. The 4Ts score incorporates: (i) the thrombocytopenia magnitude; (ii) the timing of the onset of thrombocytopenia in relation to initiation of heparin; (iii) the occurrence of subsequent thrombotic complications; and (iv) the presence/absence of other causes of thrombocytopenia.…”
Section: Introductionmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Further complicating the use of heparin anticoagulants, prevention of HIT‐related thrombosis is currently possible only after manifestations of HIT are evident and the disease process has already begun . Clinical algorithms and laboratory tests are inadequate for evaluation of HIT risk prior to heparin administration . The inability to predict HIT thus represents a liability with heparin administration, and a priori identification of patients with a high HIT risk could make prevention of HIT possible.…”
confidence: 99%