This article presents results obtained in the research conducted on railway infrastructure in Serbia, which aimed at prediction of substructure condition based on the analysis of track quality. It presents the results of seismic tomography application as non-destructive procedure for assessment of railway substructure condition. Track geometry quality was assessed according to analysis of longitudinal level data, which was recorded during regular track geometry inspections. Track section for application of seismic tomography was chosen on the basis of analysed track geometry data recorded during the regular track geometry inspections in 2006, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013 and 2014. Tomographic imaging of railway platform on Test Section enabled the creation of two-dimensional finite element model, which was used for determination of propagation speed of seismic P-waves. Seismic tomography on Test Section, which is the part of the international railway line Belgrade–Vrbnica, was performed in 2014. Obtained tomographic image was discussed and compared to track geometry data recorded during the regular track geometry inspections.