As is known, in world, oil production is carried out both in the sea and in oil fields on land. For the mechanized exploitation of oil fields on land, in most cases used different type of sucker-rod pumps. The main object of the study of the article is a new constructive solution of the pumping unit, the novelty of which is approved by the ownership certificates. The main factor characterizing the operation of pumping units is its quality indicators such as metal consumption, reliability, efficiency and energy consumption. When switching from a balanced sucker-rod pumping unit to an unbalanced the efficiency factor decreases from 0.834 to 0.65 and the operating power factor decreases from 0.605 to 0.312. In this case, power losses increase sharply not only in transmissions, but also in energy distribution networks. If the engine is not fully loaded or is not selected correctly, then these energy coefficients decrease even more. The selection of engine power is performed according to the worst conditions, i.e. the cyclic mode of operation of an unbalanced pumping unit. Despite this, it can be said that in almost all oil fields, the power of asynchronous motors is greatly exaggerated, which causes additional losses. In article proposed expressions for determining the optimal power of the electric motor were proposed, taking into account the efficiency factor of the balancing device during the balancing of the proposed new constructive solution of the beamless pumping unit with a combined, movable counter weights and rotary counter weights. This allows to prevent excess energy consumption and reduce energy costs. Which is very important in the era of globalization, when energy prices are rising sharply.