Abstract. The proposal of investigations of soft organic soils in a new calibration chamber performed at the Rzeszow University of Technology has been presented in this paper. The unique feature of this chamber is the possibility of simultaneous soil testing with the use of two penetrometers: FVT (Field Vane Test) and DPL (Dynamic Probing Light). It has been possible due to the large size of the cylindrical soil sample: 62.5 cm in diameter and max. 80 cm high. Additionally, a construction with a new calibration chamber has been described, concerning potential capabilities and restrictions when conducting researches. The presented calibration chamber ensures the stability of the parameters set during the tests, which allows one to compare the test results and search for the relationship between the analyzed parameters. Shear strength from the FVT test was adopted as reference. The results of preliminary research were presented and a detailed research plan was prepared, which will be implemented in the next stages of the investigations.