Toxoplasma gondii is an obligate intracellular protozoan that can infect both humans and warm-blooded animals. Among them, cats are the only animal that excretes oocysts into the environment [1]. As recently reported, 47.2% out of 106 stray cats [2] and 13.2% out of 174 stray cats [3] were T. gondii positive by nested PCR assay in Korea. Stray cats have been increasing in Korea roaming residential areas, and this increased the risk of public health hazards. T. gondii strains have been classified into 3 major genotypes (I, II, and III) according to their virulence, and among them, type I strain, such as RH, has been reported to be most virulent. This study is a follow-up of our previous study [3] for genotyping of T. gondii using 23 blood DNA samples of stray cats in Korea, which presented positive reactions by B1 gene amplification.Biodiversity of T. gondii has been reported with genetic variations among isolates from different, and even the same, phenotypes [4]. Usually, T. gondii is categorized as 3 genetic types (I, II, and III) based on polymorphisms in several markers, such as SAG1, SAG2, SAG3, BTUB, GRA6, c22-8, c29-2, PK1, and Apico genes [5,6]. We chose to develop a nested-PCR method based on the polymorphic SAG2 locus, separately amplifying the 5 ′ and 3′ ends of the locus using an Accupower PCR premix Kit (Bioneer Co., Seoul, Korea), and amplifying 241 bp and 221 bp products [7,8]. This gene is ideally suited for rapid genotyping, as it contains multiple lineage-specific polymorphisms [7,9,10]. SAG2 encodes 2 separate forms of the surface tachyzoite protein (p22), that type I (high virulent) and III (avirulent) strains share the same protein alleles, while type II strains (avirulent) have a second, distinct form [5,7]. Sau3A I and Hha I restriction enzymes were used for this PCR-RFLP analysis. Digestion of the 5 ′ amplification products with Sau3A I distinguished allele 3 (type III: includes avirulent strains like VEG and CTG) from alleles 1 and 2 (type I: includes strains like RH and KI-1 which are highly virulent, and type II: includes avirulent strains like PLK and Beverley) [8]. Digestion of the 3′ amplification products with Hha I distinguished allele 2 (type II strains) from alleles 1 and 3 (type I and III strains) [7].RH and KI-1 strains as type I, and ME49 strain as type II, were used for standardization of PCR-RFLP analysis. The representative strain as type III was not prepared because genotyping could be properly discriminated using strains mentioned above. RH strain was kindly provided from Catholic Institute of Parasitic Diseases, Catholic University, and KI-1 and ME49 strains were kindly provided from Department of Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine. RH and KI-1 strains of T. gondii were maintained in BALB/c mice by intraperitoneal inoculation in our laboratory.PCR programs were as follows: The 5′ and 3′ ends of the SAG2 locus were amplified by 5 min of denaturation at 94℃. After
Genotype of Toxoplasma gondii from Blood of Stray Cats in Gyeon...