1IntroductionCharacterizationo fe xplosivee ffects has traditionally been performed using pressure gages and various measures of damage,s uch as plate dents,t od eterminea"TNT Equivalence" of ab last [1,2].M ost of the traditional methods, however, result in numerouse quivalencies for the same material due to largeu ncertainties and dependencies of the equivalence on the distance from the explosion [3,4]. Modern high-speed digitali maging has allowed the development of several optical techniques for studyinge xplosive effects, which have expanded the detail to which ab last can be characterized.Many of the imaging studiesv isualize and track shock wave propagation using refractive imagingt echniquesi ncluding schlieren, shadowgraphy,a nd backgroundo riented schlieren (BOS) [5].I no ne of the most ground-breaking studies, Kleine et al used high-speed digital cameras and shadowgraphy to track shockw aves from silver azide charges and demonstrated the spatiald ependence of a" TNT equivalence" measurement [6].S imilar studiese xpanded the analysis using other imaging methods [7,8],explosive materials [9-12],a nd explosive-charges cales [13][14][15].A ll of these approaches have focusedo nm easuring the shock wave propagation opticallyt oe stimate pressure characteristics which are compared to gage measurements.The schlieren and BOS technique are capable of yielding quantitative density information of flow fields [16],b ut few researchers have applied this capabilityt os tudyinge xplosions. Quantitative density measurement from refractive techniques is well-documented for aerodynamics applications [17][18][19],i ncluding shock waves [20],b ut not moving shocks.