In this paper, we study the properties of the charged black hole surrounded by the quintessence. The solution space for the horizons for various values of the mass M, charge Q, and the quintessence parameter α are studied in detail. Special focus in given to the degenerate horizons: we obtain cold, ultracold and Nariai black holes which has similar topologies as for the Reissner-Nordstrom-de Sitter black holes. We also study the lukewarm black hole with the quintessence in this paper.Key words: static, charged, quintessence, Nariai, cold, ultra-cold, lukewarm
IntroductionThere are strong observational support for the fact that universe is undergoing accelerated expansion leading to the presence of dark energy. It is one of the greatest challenges in modern physics to seek solutions as to why and how this acceleration occurs. Various dynamical models of dark energy have been considered in the literature to explain the acceleration [3]. Most of these models involve a dynamical scalar field. In this paper, we investigate black holes surrounded by quintessence matter. Quintessence field is a scalar field coupled to gravity and is a candidate for dark energy. There are many works that have focused on the quintessence model. An extended quintessence model has been proposed by coupling the scalar field to the Ricci scalar in [4]. The correspondence between the quintessence and the tachyon dark energy has been studied in [5]. Dynamics of the phantom energy interacting with quintessence models are presented in [6]. Local measurements that can detect 1 1