The first measurement of the three-body photodisintegration of polarized 3 He using a circularly polarized photon beam has been performed at incident energies of 12.8 and 14.7 MeV. This measurement was carried out at the high-intensity γ -ray source located at Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory. A high-pressure 3 He target, polarized via spin exchange optical pumping with alkali metals, was used in the experiment. The spin-dependent double-and single-differential cross sections from 3 He( γ ,n)pp for laboratory angles varying from 30 • to 165 • are presented and compared with state-of-the-art three-body calculations. The data reveal the importance of including the Coulomb interaction between protons in the three-body calculations.Alt, Grassberger, and Sandhas (AGS) [15] equations. The calculations by Deltuva et al. [16] are based on the AGS equations and employ the coupled-channel extension of the charge-dependent Bonn (CD Bonn) nucleon-nucleon (NN) potential [17][18][19], including explicit excitation of a nucleon into a -isobar, called CD Bonn + -isobar [20]. In the three-nucleon (3N ) system the -isobar excitation yields effective 3N force and effective two-nucleon and 3N currents that are mutually consistent [16]. In addition to single-baryon and meson exchange electromagnetic currents, the relativistic single-nucleon charge corrections (RC) are taken into account [16]. The proton-proton Coulomb interaction is also included using the method of screening and renormalization [21]. The calculations by Skibiński et al. solve the Faddeev equations by using the Argonne V18 (AV18) NN potential [22] and the Urbana IX (UIX) 3N force [23], taking into account the single-nucleon currents and the two most important meson exchange currents, namely the seagull and pion-in-flight terms [24].In addition, Rozpȩdzik and collaborators [25] have carried out calculations of the three-body photodisintegration of 3 He using chiral effective field theory [26] (χ EFT) in the Faddeev framework including the well-known one-pion exchange contributions and the long-range two-pion exchange parts of meson exchange currents at next-to-leading-order derived with the method of unitary transformation [27]. The results are compared with the calculations obtained with the AV18 NN potential and the related exchange currents, and good agreement is found between the two theories [25]. However, the uncertainties of χ EFT are much larger compared