Background/Objectives: The Article supports the hypothesis that in the Globalised era, a country can develop by globalising its workforce. India is having the youngest population in the world and is continuously facing the challenge of educating its young population and preparing them to meet the Global competition. Its struggle to provide employment to its increasing workforce can be resolved by providing efficient education which will increase inter-regional and international student mobility and as a result will make the workforce more Globalised. Methods/Statistical analysis: Therefore the Article shows a strong positive relation between Education (preferably Higher Education), Student mobility and labour mobility and concludes that an increase in one of these factor results in an increase in the other two. Findings: Indian Higher education system is in its nascent stage where Gross enrolment ratio (GER) is low as compared to other developing countries like China. Ministry of Human resource development (MHRD) revealed that Gross enrolment ratio for higher education in India increased to 24.5 per cent in 2015-16. Improvements/Applications: NGOs, Government employees, teachers and educators can group together and educate people about Higher education. They can also inform students about importance of higher education for their career and society as whole and ways and means by which they can acquire one in India and abroad.