The dominating trend in the labour sphere development today is a social pollution from the economic activities of companies, which has a negative impact on labour relations. Reducing the social pollution level is hampered by the lack of scientifically grounded information and methodological support for monitoring, analysing and evaluating the social pollution factors and processes. The purpose of this research is identifying through an in-depth study the types and forms of toxic labour relations in countries with different economic models, as well as the development of new concepts and management tools for meeting the challenges of the decline of the social pollution level. In order to identify the scope and characteristics of toxic labour relations, a long-term monitoring study using quantitative and qualitative methods, including narrative analysis was conducted. In 2015-2017 toxic labour relations were examined in separate countries. Based on the results of the comparative analysis of narratives collected in the countries under study, factors of social pollution of the labour sphere in the part of labour relations between employers, managers and employees were identified, and the cause-effect relationships between toxic HRM practices and employees' well-being were investigated. Perception and evaluative judgments of the informants allowed the researchers to get an understanding of the qualitative characteristics of the toxic labour relations.