DOI: 10.1016/j.exppara.2004.07.001
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Lack of correlation between in vitro susceptibility to Benznidazole and phylogenetic diversity of Trypanosoma cruzi, the agent of Chagas disease

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Cited by 58 publications
(58 citation statements)
References 48 publications
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“…These values are of the same order of magnitude of IC 50 of epimastigotes in stocks belonging to different DTU (Villarreal et al 2004). Some studies reported that DTU I isolates were more resistant to BZ than parasites of the other DTUs (Toledo et al 2003(Toledo et al , 2004, whereas others showed no correlation between in vitro drug susceptibility and T. cruzi groups (Murta et al 1998, Villarreal et al 2004. Our data support the latter conclusion.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 81%
See 1 more Smart Citation
“…These values are of the same order of magnitude of IC 50 of epimastigotes in stocks belonging to different DTU (Villarreal et al 2004). Some studies reported that DTU I isolates were more resistant to BZ than parasites of the other DTUs (Toledo et al 2003(Toledo et al , 2004, whereas others showed no correlation between in vitro drug susceptibility and T. cruzi groups (Murta et al 1998, Villarreal et al 2004. Our data support the latter conclusion.…”
Section: Discussionsupporting
confidence: 81%
“…One primary explanation may be the presence of different parasite lineages in different geographic regions, with T. cruzi I predominating in Central America and T. cruzi II in South America (Carranza et al 2009 and cited references). In fact, variations in drug susceptibility among T. cruzi strains have been documented widely in in vitro and in vivo studies (Filardi & Brener 1987, Murta et al 1998, Toledo et al 2003, Villarreal et al 2004. Another factor to consider is the time between vector control activity and drug treatment because cases (mostly asymptomatic) treated closer to the time of the acute phase of the disease might account for more rapid cure.…”
Section: ± 1 µM Comparison Of Bz Susceptibility Of the Pre-treatmentmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…The drug concentration inhibiting 50% of parasite growth (IC 50 G) or motility (IC 50 M) was determined using a formula previously reported by Villarreal et al (2004).…”
Section: Ic 50 Determinationmentioning
confidence: 99%
“…Si bien es cierto que se han producido algunos avances en este sentido (7,12,13,41,42), en la actualidad aún no se han podido esclarecer parámetros tales como cuáles son las concentraciones del medicamento para considerar las cepas como resistentes y cuál es la relación entre los mecanismos de resistencia natural y la inducida. Además, existen pocos reportes sobre la correlación de la sensibilidad al benzonidazol con parámetros biológicos y genéticos del parásito, como la diversidad filogenética y la sensibilidad natural e inducida, entre otros, y los resultados obtenidos de estos estudios son controversiales (22,(43)(44)(45)(46).…”
Section: Discussionunclassified
“…Además, se reportó que es posible inducir resistencia en este parásito, tanto in vitro como in vivo, por presiones continuas con estos medicamentos (12)(13)(14)(15), lo cual genera poblaciones resistentes a concentraciones de benzonidazol de hasta 220 μM (15), y se han propuesto algunos genes involucrados en el surgimiento del fenotipo de resistencia a este medicamento (12,13,(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21). A la fecha, no se han podido correlacionar los mecanismos moleculares involucrados entre estos dos tipos de resistencia (16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21), ni tampoco la resistencia con otros parámetros biológicos, genéticos o bioquímicos de T. cruzi (22,23).…”
Section: Sensibilidad Al Benzonidazol De Trypanosoma Cruziunclassified