Na-/ K'-ATPase can be isolated from the outer medulla of mammalian kidney in the form of flat membrane fragments containing the emyme in a densidr of 103-101 protein molecules per pm2 (Deguchi et al. (lnT J, Cell. Biol. 75,. In this paper we show tlrat these membrane fragments can be bound to a germanium plate coated with a phospholipid bilayer. With this system infrared spectroscopic studies of the enz5rme have been carried out using the technique of attenuated total reflection (ATR). At a coverage of the lipid surface corresponding to 30-407o of a monolayer of membrane fragments, chamcteristic infrared bands of the protein such as the amide I and II bands can be resolved. About A% ol tli.e NH-groupß of the peptide backbone are found to be resistant to proton/deuterium exchange within a time period of several days. Evidence for orientation of the protein with respect to the supporting lipid layer is obtained from experiments with polarized light, the largest polarization effects being associated with the -COO band at 14{X) cm-r. Experiments with aqueous media of diflerent ionic composition indicate that the average orientation of transition moments changes when K+ in the medium is replaced by Tris + or Na+.