Thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) is an essential cofactor for all forms of life. In Salmonella enterica, the thiH gene product is required for the synthesis of the 4-methyl-5-†hydroxyethyl-thiazole monophosphate moiety of TPP. ThiH is a member of the radical S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) superfamily of proteins that is characterized by the presence of oxygen labile [Fe-S] clusters. Lack of an in vitro activity assay for ThiH has hampered the analysis of this interesting enzyme. We circumvented this problem by using an in vivo activity assay for ThiH. Random and directed mutagenesis of the thiH gene was performed. Analysis of auxotrophic thiH mutants defined two classes, those that required thiazole to make TPP (null mutants) and those with thiamine auxotrophy that was corrected by either L-tyrosine or thiazole (ThiH* mutants). Increased levels of AdoMet also corrected the thiamine requirement of members of the latter class. Residues required for in vivo function were identified and are discussed in the context of structures available for AdoMet enzymes.Thiamine pyrophosphate is an essential cofactor that stabilizes acyl carbanions generated by several enzymes in carbohydrate metabolism such as transketolase, âŁ-ketoacid decarboxylase, âŁ-ketoacid dehydrogenase, and acetolactate synthase. The biosynthesis of thiamine pyrophosphate involves the separate formation of the 4-amino-5-hydroxymethyl-2-methylpyrimidine pyrophosphate (HMP-PP) 1 and thiazole monophosphate (THZ-P) moieties (Fig. 1). These moieties are then coupled and phosphorylated, forming thiamine pyrophosphate (1). In Escherichia coli and Salmonella at least seven genes, thiFSGH, thiI, iscS, and dxs, are required to convert 1-deoxy-D-xylulose phosphate, L-cysteine and L-tyrosine to THZ-P (2-4). Many of the mechanistic aspects of this conversion have been worked out in vitro (5-8). Our understanding of thiazole biosynthesis has increased dramatically with the reconstitution of the pathway in cell-free extracts by two groups (9, 10). Although these groups used proteins from Bacillus subtilis and E. coli, the proposed mechanisms are similar. The primary difference between these pathways is the generation of the glycine imine intermediate from which the C-2 and N-3 of the thiazole product are derived. In B. subtilis, ThiO catalyzes the oxidation of glycine to form the imine (11), whereas in E. coli, the imine intermediate is proposed to be the product of ThiH (10). In the case of ThiH, it is suggested that an interaction between S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet), and the [Fe-S] cluster allows the formation of the 5Đ-deoxyadenosyl radical, generating a tryosyl radical that results in the glycine imine via a series of steps (10).Genetic studies identified a connection between thiamine biosynthesis and [Fe-S] cluster metabolism in Salmonella enterica and suggested that ThiH was the weak link in thiazole synthesis (12). ThiH is a 45-kDa protein that was identified as a member of the radical AdoMet superfamily of proteins (13). Proteins in this superfamily are characte...