Citation for published item:hr¤ oderD wF nd w tis h kD uF nd priedlD F @PHHRA 9 erumE nd proteinEfree medi formul tions for the ghinese h mster ov ry ell line h u fIIF9D tourn l of iote hnologyFD IHV @QAF ppF PUWEPWPF Further information on publisher's website: httpXGGdxFdoiForgGIHFIHITGjFj iote FPHHQFIPFHHS Publisher's copyright statement:Additional information:
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AbstractThe production of therapeutic proteins in mammalian cell lines is of outstanding importance. The maintenance of most mammalian cell lines in culture requires the addition of serum to the culture medium.The elimination of serum from mammalian cell culture is desirable since serum is expensive and a source of contaminants, e.g. viruses, mycoplasma or prions. Here we describe the composition of serum-and protein-free media for the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell line DUKXB11. The serum-free formulation supports excellent growth of CHO DUKXB11 cells at low (23 cells/cm 2 ) and high (2·10 4 cells/cm 2 ) seeding densities characterized by a generation time of 10 -12 h, and, after addition of 0.2% pluronic F-68, the growth of a recombinant suspension cell line derived from DUKXB11. In addition, this formulation also allowed us to adapt recombinant cell lines expressing various amounts of human antithrombin ATIII (ATIII)to serum-free conditions. Secretion of ATIII was readily observed in the serum-free medium. Minor changes to the serum-free formulation resulted in a protein free formulation that supported growth of CHO DUKXB11 cells, growth of recombinant CHO cells expressing ATIII, and production of ATIII.
Key wordsChinese hamster ovary cells, serum-free medium, protein-free medium, recombinant protein production,