Amyloid-(A)peptidesplayakeyroleinthepathogenesisofAlzheimer'sdiseaseandexertvarioustoxiceffectsonneurons;however,relatively littleisknownabouttheirinfluenceonglialcells.Astrocytesplayapivotalroleinbrainhomeostasis,contributingtotheregulationoflocalenergy metabolism and oxidative stress defense, two aspects of importance for neuronal viability and function. In the present study, we explored the effects of A peptides on glucose metabolism in cultured astrocytes. Following A 25-35 exposure, we observed an increase in glucose uptake and its various metabolic fates, i.e., glycolysis (coupled to lactate release), tricarboxylic acid cycle, pentose phosphate pathway, and incorporation into glycogen. A increased hydrogen peroxide production as well as glutathione release into the extracellular space without affecting intracellular glutathione content. A causal link between the effects of A on glucose metabolism and its aggregation and internalization into astrocytes through binding to members of the class A scavenger receptor family could be demonstrated. Using astrocyte-neuron cocultures, we observed that the overall modifications of astrocyte metabolism induced by A impair neuronal viability. The effects of the A 25-35 fragment were reproduced by A 1-42 but not by A 1-40 . Finally, the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) pathway appears to be crucial in these events since both the changes in glucose utilization and the decrease in neuronal viability are prevented by LY294002, a PI3-kinase inhibitor. This set of observations indicates that A aggregation and internalization into astrocytes profoundly alter their metabolic phenotype with deleterious consequences for neuronal viability.