T form a single phylogenetic group. The taxonomic status of species and strains at issue is discussed.
Keywords : Lactobacillus casei, recA, taxonomyLactobacillus casei and related species include phenotypically and genetically heterogeneous strains able to colonize various natural and man-made environments (Vescovo et al., 1995). Many strains are currently employed as probiotics or mixed cultures for dairy products. Despite its importance for the food industry, the taxonomy of the L. casei group is still unclear. Historically, the systematics of the L. casei group have been problematic and adjustments have been introduced based on new taxonomic methods that have gradually become available. Initially, Hansen & Lessel (1971) designated strain ATCC 393 T as the type strain of L. casei subsp. casei on the basis of a few phenotypic traits. However, Dellaglio et al. (1975) (Dellaglio et al., 1991). The proposal was denied (Wayne, 1994). Dicks et al. (1996) Nour (1998) proposed that 16S-23S and 23S-5S intergenic spacer region sequences might represent a useful alternative to 16S and 23S rDNA for establishing the phylogeny of closely related bacterial species, because of the higher sequence and fragment length polymorphism. Comparative analysis of the 23S-5S rRNA intergenic spacer regions of L. caseirelated strains was performed by Chen et al. (2000). Their observations supported the request of Dellaglio et al. (1991) to replace strain ATCC 393 T with strain ATCC 334 as the neotype of L. casei subsp. casei.