IntroductionMany patients consult a specialist physician regarding halitosis complaints (1,2). Halitosis which originates from latin halitus (breath) and greek suffix osis (pathological process) means bad breath in English (3). The history of sources related to halitosis is based on ancient Greek and Roman periods (4) ladanee (Mediterranean countries), parsley (Italy), carnivorous (Iraq), guava shell (Thailand) and egg shell (China) have been used in ancient times for halitosis treatment. Thus, halitosis emerges as a problem that occurs every century and occurs universally in both gender (5). Nachnani (6) indicates that more than 50% of the general population suffer from halitosis. If there are many sources causing halitosis, it is also due to 90% oral cavity such as tongue coat, poor oral hygiene, food impaction, periodontal disease,
ÖzHalitozis terimi nefesten yayılan saldırgan veya nahoş kokuyu tarif eder. Halitozis fizyolojik nedenlerle ortaya çıkabileceği gibi patolojik ve psikolojik nedenlerle de oluşabilir. Bu nedenle halitozisin temelinde yatan faktörler doğru bir şekilde belirlenmeli ve hasta ilgili uzmana yönlendirilmelidir. Yanlış tanı ve tedaviyi önlemek için interdisipliner yaklaşımların halitozis için önemini vurgulamak gerekmektedir. Bu derlemenin amacı halitozisin etiyolojisi, prevelansı, ölçüm metodları ve tedavisi hakkında bilgi vermektir.Halitosis is a term defining disagreeable or offensive odour spread from the breath. Halitosis may occur due to physiological reasons as well as pathological and psychological factor. Because of that, underlying factors of halitosis should correctly be diagnosed and the patient should be directed to the related physician. It is significant to highlight the necessity of an interdisciplinary method for the treatment of halitosis to prevent misdiagnosis or unnecessary treatment. The aim of this review is to report information about the etiology, prevalence, measurement methods and treatment of halitosis.