The Hellmann-Feynman, virial and comparison theorems are three fundamental theorems of quantum mechanics. For the first two, counterparts exist for classical mechanics with relativistic or nonrelativistic kinetic energy. It is shown here that these three theorems are valid for classical mechanics with a nonstandard kinetic energy. This brings some information about the connections between the quantum and classical worlds. Constraints about the functional form of the kinetic energy are also discussed.PACS numbers: 03.65. Ca, Let us consider a quantum Hamiltonian of the formwhere V is the potential energy depending only on the space variable r and T the kinetic energy depending only on the conjugate momentum p. The structure of T cannot be completely arbitrary. Some constraints are given in [1] for one-dimensional operators. But it is easy to generalize for three dimensions. We can expect that the kinetic energy is a positive quantity which is an increasing function of only the modulus of the momentum: T (p) = K(p 2 ) with p = |p|. Moreover, some degree of differentiability is desirable for the function K.If the eigensolutions are searched for in the |r representation, the action of T can be computed with the Fourier transform of the wave-function. This is the basis of the Fourier-Grid Hamiltonian method [2, 3] and a version of the Lagrange-mesh technique [4]. So, it is perfectly relevant to work with a general form T which can differ from the nonrelativistic or relativistic usual ones, and which can be useful for effective models.The Hellmann-Feynman theorem [5,6] states that, if the Hamiltonian H(λ) depends on a parameter λ, and that |λ is a normalized eigenstate with the energy E(λ), thenA demonstration of a generalized version of this theorem can be found in [7]. The general virial theorem [8] for Hamiltonians of type (1) states thatwhere the mean values are taken with an eigenstate of H, and ∂/∂a is the gradient with respect to the components of a. A simple demonstration can be obtained using the Hellmann-Feynman theorem [9]. Let us consider two ordered Hamiltonians H 1 and H 2 , that is to say φ|H 1 |φ ≤ φ|H 2 |φ for any state |φ . The comparison theorem states that each corresponding pair of eigenvalues is ordered E{α} ({α} represents a set of quantum numbers) [10]. A simple demonstration can be obtained using again the Hellmann-Feynman theorem [11]. The existence of an order is easy to check for Hamiltonians of type (1) [11].The virial and the Hellmann-Feynman theorems are also valid for classical mechanics, even if it is less well known for the latter case [12,13]. The demonstrations are made for relativistic or nonrelativistic kinetic energy operators. Before showing that the three quantum theorems described above are actually applicable to classical mechanics with a general form of T , let us study the relevance of such a mechanics. From the classical point of view, the equations of motion for Hamiltonian (1) are given by the Hamilton's equationṡ*