We study exact orbifold fillings of contact manifolds using Floer theories. Motivated by Chen-Ruan's orbifold Gromov-Witten invariants, we define symplectic cohomology of an exact orbifold filling as a group using classical techniques, i.e. choosing generic almost complex structures. By studying moduli spaces of pseudo-holomorphic curves in orbifolds, we obtain various non-existence, restrictions and uniqueness results for orbifold singularities of exact orbifold fillings of many contact manifolds. For example, we show that exact orbifold fillings of (RP 2n−1 , ξ std ) always have exactly one singularity modeled on C n /(Z/2Z) if n = 2 k . Lastly, we show that in dimension at least 3 there are pairs of contact manifolds without exact cobordisms in either direction, and that the same holds for exact orbifold cobordisms in dimension at least 5.