An old conjecture of Frankl and Füredi states that the Lagrangian of an r-uniform hypergraph on m edges is maximised by an initial segment of colex. In this paper we prove this conjecture for a wide range of sufficiently large m. In particular, we confirm the conjecture in the case r = 3 for all sufficiently large m. In addition, we find an infinite family of counterexamples for each r ≥ 4 and provide a new proof for large t of a related conjecture of Nikiforov.
IntroductionThe notion of the Lagrangian of a graph was originally introduced in 1965 by Motzkin and Strauss [13] to provide a beautiful new proof of Turán's theorem. This concept was later generalised to uniform hypergraphs, where the study of Lagrangians has played an important role in the advancement of our understanding of hypergraph Turán problems. Notably, hypergraph Lagrangians were used by Frankl and Rödl [7] to disprove a conjecture of Erdős [5] on jumps of hypergraph Turán densities. See, for example, [8], [20] and the excellent survey of Keevash [9] for further applications.In many of these results, the Turán problem can be converted into the problem of determining (or finding good bounds for) the Lagrangian of a particular hypergraph. In this paper we are interested in determining the maximum value of the Lagrangian over all r-graphs (namely, r-uniform hypergraphs) with a fixed number of hyperedges.In order to introduce our main results, we require some technical definitions. For t ∈ N,for all i ∈ [t]; and v∈V w(v) = 1. Let G ⊆ [t] (r) be a hypergraph on vertex set [t]. For e ∈ G and a weighting w of [t], define w(e) := i∈e w(i), and for F ⊆ G define w(F ) := e∈F w(e). For w a weighting of [t] and G ⊆ [t] (r) , we may also say that w is a weighting of G. Define the Lagrangian of G, denoted λ(G), as follows. λ(G) := max{w(G) : w is a weighting of [t]}. Say that a weighting w of [t] is maximal for G if w(G) = λ(G). Also define Λ(m, r) := max{λ(G) : G ⊆ N (r) , |G| = m}.For a graph G, it is a simple exercise to show that λ(G) is achieved by equally distributing the weight over a largest clique in G. However, there is no easy way known for calculating the Lagrangian of a given r-graph (when r ≥ 3).Recall that the colexicographic or colex order on N (r) is the ordering in which A < B if i∈A 2 i < i∈B 2 i . Define C(m, r) to be the family containing the first m sets in the colex order on N (r) . A conjecture of Frankl and Füredi [6] from 1989 states that C(m, r) has the largest Lagrangian of any family of cardinality m. Conjecture 1.1 (Frankl and Füredi [6]). Let G ⊆ N (r) such that |G| = m. Then λ(G) ≤ λ(C(m, r)).In other words, this conjecture says that there exists some weighting w such that w(C(m, r)) = Λ(m, r). An interesting special case of this conjecture, which we (following Tyomkyn [21]) refer to as the principal case, is when m = t r , i.e. when C(m, r) is the clique [t] (r) .