We demonstrate that 100% light absorption can take place in a single patterned sheet of doped graphene. General analysis shows that a planar array of small particles with losses exhibits full absorption under critical-coupling conditions provided the cross section of each individual particle is comparable to the area of the lattice unit cell. Specifically, arrays of doped graphene nanodisks display full absorption when supported on a substrate under total internal reflection and also when lying on a dielectric layer coating a metal. Our results are relevant for infrared light detectors and sources, which can be made tunable via electrostatic doping of graphene. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.047401 PACS numbers: 78.67.Wj, 42.25.Bs, 78.20.Ci Light absorption plays a central role in optical detectors and photovoltaics. Inspired by nature, two different routes have been investigated to achieve perfect absorption. (i) A first one consists in relying on diffusion in disordered lossy surfaces (e.g., black silver and carbon). Engineered materials have been synthesized following this solution to produce extraordinary broadband light absorption (e.g., dense arrays of carbon nanotubes [1]). (ii) A second approach consists in using ordered periodic structures, as found in some nocturnal insects, where they produce the moth eye effect [2]. This alternative has been pioneered by experimental and theoretical work showing total light absorption (TLA) in the visible using metallic gratings [3][4][5]. In this context, the Salisbury screen [6,7], consisting of a thin absorbing layer placed above a reflecting surface, has been known to produce TLA, and it can be integrated in thin structures using magnetic-mirror metamaterials [8]. Similar phenomena have been reported at infrared (IR) [9][10][11] and microwave [12,13] frequencies, including omnidirectional TLA [14], which has been realized by using periodic surfaces supporting localized plasmon excitations.The availability of high-quality graphene as a stable material with extraordinary (opto)electronic properties [15-17] makes a compelling case for exploring its ability to harvest light for potential application to optoelectronics, with the advantage of being optically tunable via electrostatic doping [18]. However, a single sheet of homogeneous graphene is poorly absorbing [19] (about 2.3% absorption), so the challenge is to transform it into a perfect absorber, for which we can rely on its power to host extremely confined plasmons [20,21].In this Letter, we show that a single sheet of doped graphene, patterned into a periodic array of nanodisks, exhibits 100% light absorption. We first discuss the extinction cross section of graphene disks (i.e., the sum of light absorption and elastic scattering), which can exceed by over an order of magnitude their geometrical area [21]. These disks therefore belong to the class of absorbing particles that can be arranged in periodic planar arrays such that their cross section exceeds the area of the unit cell. We further assume here that a...