Silk fibroin produced by Bombyx mori (B. mori) has good tensile properties for textiles. In the past decades B. mori silk fibroin has also come to the forefront as a biomaterials.1 Two distinct structures in the solid state, silk I before spinning and silk II after spinning, have been proposed. 2 The conformation of silk I has been shown by us to have a repeated type II -turn structure using solid state NMR approaches as well as X-ray diffraction analysis.3 On the other hand, the conformation of the silk II has been proposed to be mainly an anti-parallel -sheet. Recently, 13 C solidstate NMR on selectively 13 C labeled 15 peptides labeled singly at different Ala methyl carbons was used to examine the silk II structure of (AG) 15 which was considered to be a model for the crystalline domain, with emphasis on a possible lamellar structure containing -turns.4,5 However, there are also Ser and Tyr residues and the relative content is reasonably high; 12.2% and 4.8%, respectively. They stand third and fourth behind the Gly and Ala residues.
2In this communication, in order to study the role played by Ser and Tyr residues in silk II structure of B. mori silk fibroin, we synthesized several 13 C selectively labeled model peptides containing Ser and Tyr residues in AG copolypeptide, mimicking the primary structure of B. mori silk fibroin. Especially, since the crystalline domain is (AGSGAG) n rather than (AG) n , a more detailed structural analysis is possible when (AGSGAG) n is used. The 13 C CP/MAS NMR is used for the purpose.
EXPERIMENTALThe model peptides were synthesized using solid-phase Fmoc chemistry on a fully automated Pioneer Peptide Synthesis System (Applied Biosystems Ltd.). All of the peptides were dissolved in 9M LiBr aqueous solution and then dialyzed against water (9M LiBr/dialysis treatment). The peptide (AGSGAG) 5 was also prepared by dissolving them in formic acid and then dried (Formic acid treatment).The 13 C CP/MAS NMR measurements were conducted on a Chemagnetics CMX-400 spectrometer operating at 100 MHz for 13 C nucleus. A 1 H 90 pulse width of 5 ms duration was used with a 1 ms contact time and a 3 s repetition time. Approximately 15K FIDs were added to generate the spectra. The 13 C chemical shifts were calibrated indirectly through the methine peak of adamantane observed at 28.8 ppm relative to TMS at 0 ppm. 4,5 The peak fitting was performed as follows: After fixing the chemical shifts of three peaks of Ala C carbon, the fraction and width of each peak was changed to reproduce the observed line shape by assuming Gaussian for each peak. The uncertainty of the percentages is about AE1%. Figure 1 shows Ala C peaks in the 13 C CP/MAS NMR spectra of (a) I: (AGSGAG) 5 , (b) II: AGSGAGAGSG[3-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION13 C]A 11 GAGSGAGAGSG-AGAGSGAG and (c) III: AGSGAGAGSGAGAGSGAG[3-13 C]A 19 GSG-AGAGSGAG after 9M LiBr/dialysis and formic acid treatments. The peak splitting of Ala C carbon has been assigned previously in detail.6 Namely, the highest-field broad peak at 16.7 ppm was assigned to a ''disto...