Bal á zs Dombov á ri , Rich á rd Fi á th , B á lint P é ter Kerekes , Em í lia T ó th , Lucia Wittner , Domonkos Horv á th , Karsten Seidl , Stanislav Herwik , Tom Torfs , Oliver Paul , Patrick Ruther , Herc Neves and Istv á n Ulbert*
In vivo validation of the electronic depth control probesAbstract: In this article, we evaluated the electrophysiological performance of a novel, high-complexity silicon probe array. This brain-implantable probe implements a dynamically reconfigurable voltage-recording device, coordinating large numbers of electronically switchable recording sites, referred to as electronic depth control (EDC). Our results show the potential of the EDC devices to record good-quality local field potentials, and single-and multiple-unit activities in cortical regions during pharmacologically induced cortical slow wave activity in an animal model.Keywords: electronic depth control; microelectrode probe array; neural recording.