proportional factor of the analogy relation; Eq. (6) f 0 = nondimensional velocity along x axis; u∕u e g = nondimensional total enthalpy; H∕H e H = total enthalpy per unit mass, J∕kg k = thermal conductivity, W∕m · K M ∞ = Mach number in freestream n = index of the power-law shape leading edge Pr = Prandtl number p = wall pressure, N∕m 2 p 0 = pressure gradient parameter at the stagnation point; −d 2 p∕p 0 ∕dθ 2 θ0 p = normalized pressure distribution function; Eq. (13) _ q w = heat flux to the wall, W∕m 2 r 0 = section radius of the body of revolution, m; Eq. (1) R = curvature radius of the surface, m R c = radius of the inscribed circle of the base of the body, m Re l = local Reynolds number; ρ ∞ U ∞ R∕μ ∞ Re ∞ = freestream Reynolds number; ρ ∞ U ∞ R c ∕μ ∞ T = temperature, K T 0 = stagnation temperature in freestream, K U ∞ = velocity in freestream, m∕s u, v = flow velocity along x and y, m∕s W r = rarefied flow criterion; M 2ω ∞ ∕Re l x, y = local coordinate in physical space, m β = gradient parameter; 2dln u e ∕dln ξ Γ 1;2 = coefficients in Eq. (19) γ = specific heat ratio η, ξ = local coordinate in Lees-Dorodnitsyn transformation space θ = slope angle of the surface θ c = surface slope angle at the base of the body μ = viscosity, kg∕m · s ρ = density, kg∕m 3 ς = normalized heat transfer distribution function; Eq. (13) τ w = skin shear stress, N∕m 2 ω = index of the viscosity-temperature power law Subscripts e = boundary-layer edge condition free = free molecular flow condition r = reference state w = wall condition 0 = stagnation point condition ∞ = freestream condition
Superscripts(1) = first-order approximation based on Navier-Stokes-Fourier equations (2) = second-order correction based on Burnett equations