A comprehensive experimental study on the effects of different operating parameters on the efficiency of tesla turbine is reported. A bladeless turbine with nine discs and up to four turbine inlets was used, with water as the working fluid. The parameters investigated are the nozzle angle, number of turbine inlets and mass flow rates. Contrary to earlier studies, an effort was made to determine the performance under varying loading conditions, and hence identify the complete performance characteristics. The study revealed that efficiency of the turbine increases at lower nozzle angles and higher number of turbine inlets. It was observed that the nozzle angle becomes a significant parameter when the number of turbine inlets is increased. Efficiencies up to 78% were achieved when the working fluid entered the turbine through two nozzles at an angle of 7°. It was also noted that the turbine is most efficient at the designed mass flow rate, and the efficiency reduces appreciably if lower mass flow rates are fed to the turbine. The results obtained are an important contribution to the available knowledge and can be used as design references for further studies.