Deuterostomes are a monophyletic group of an imals con tai ni n g vertebrates, lancelets, tunicates, hemichordates, ech inoderms, and xenoturbellids. F our out of these six extant groups-vertebrates, la ncelets, tunicates, and h emichordates-have pharyngeal gill slits. All groups of deuterostome an im als that have pharyngeal gill slit s also have a pharyn geal sk eleton supporting the pharyngeal ope nin gs, except tunicates. We previously found that pharyngeal cartilage in hemichordates and ceph aloch ordat es contains a fibrillar collagen protein similar to vertebrate type II collagen, but unlike vertebrate cartilage, the in vertebrate deuterostome cartilages ar e acellular. We found SaxE and fibrillar collagen expression in the pharyngeal endodermal cells adjacen t to where the cartilages form . These same endodermal epithelial cells also express Pax.l /9 , a marker of pharyngeal endoderm in vertebrates, lancelets, tunicates, and hemichordates. In situ exp eriments with a cephalochordate fibrillar collagen al so showed expression in pharyn geal en dode rm, as well as the ectoderm a nd the mesodermal coelomic pou ches lining the gill bars. These results indicate that the pharyngeal en doderm al cells are re sp on sible for secr etion of the cartilage in hemichordates, wherea s in lancelets, all the pharyngeal cells su r r ou n din g the gill bars, ect odermal, endodermal, and mesodermal may be resp onsible for cartilage formation . We propose that endoderm secretion was primarily the ancestral mode of making pharyngeal cartilages in deutero stomes. Later the evolu ti on ary origin of neural crest allow ed co-opti on of the gene n etwork for th e secretion of pharyngeal cartilage matrix in the new migratory n eural cr est cell populations found in vertebrat es.