Danda Besar Swamp Irrigation Area (SIA) is located in Danda Jaya Village in Rantau Badauh District, Barito Kuala Regency, South Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. It is one of tidal swamp reclamation where tidal fluctuation of Barito River affects to the hydrological condition. Danda Besar SIA has potential agricultural land about 2, 200 ha, and the productivity of paddy field was only 2 ton/ha in average for each time planting year. Two ton/ha is too low productivity due to problem of water quality in irrigation canal. However, fundamental information for the management of water quality of irrigation, monitoring data of water quality, is not measured yet. This fundamental research was conducted to identify and analyze condition of irrigation water quality. The field survey was carried out in dry months, May and June 2021 at primary canal, secondary canal, tertiary canal and pond. The final result for 6 parameters of the 4 locations (primary canal, secondary canal, tertiary canal and pond) showed there were 3 parameters (TDS, DO, and Sulfate (SO4
2-)) fulfill the class II standard, meanwhile there were 3 parameters (pH, Iron (Fe) and BOD) not fulfill the class II standard according to Government Regulation No. 22 year 2021 regarding Implementation of Environmental Protection and Management. The high content of Iron (Fe) and low content of pH recorded in all water sources should be addressed with urgency since this phenomenon as a result of pyrite oxidation affect to pH condition and may cause the low productivity of paddy field.