Site Information Ecoregion: One of the 14 ecoregion sections in Montana or 6 in the Idaho Panhandle. Sample Block: Identify three digit number of the sampling block (range 001-999). Site No: Identify three digit number of the site being surveyed within each sampling block (range 001-999). Locality: Describe the specific geographic location of the site so that the type of site is described and the straight-line air distance from one or more permanent features on a 7.5-minute (1:24,000 scale) topographic map records the position of the site (e.g., Large talus slope 1.5 miles north of Engle Peak, N side of FS Road 225). State: Use the two-letter abbreviation. County: Use the full county name. Map Name: List the name of the USGS 7.5-minute (1:24,000 scale) topographic quadrangle map. T: Record the Township number and whether it is north or south. R: Record the Range number and whether it is east or west. S: Record the Section number Section Description: Describe location of the site at the ¼ of ¼ section level (e.g., SENE indicates SE corner of NE corner). Owner: Use abbreviation of the government agency responsible for managing the land you surveyed. (e.g. USFS, BLM). If private land was surveyed list the owner's full name to indicate that you did not trespass. Map Elevation: The elevation of the site as indicated by the topographic map in feet (avoid using elevations from a GPS) Datum: The map datum used (typically NAD 27 if off topographic map or WGS84 if off GPS unit on standard setting). UTM Zone: Universal Transverse Mercator zone recorded on the topographic map. UTM East: Universal Transverse Mercator easting coordinate in meters as recorded on the topographic map or GPS receiver. Be sure to note any major differences between UTM coordinates on the map and those on the GPS receiver. UTM North: Universal Transverse Mercator northing coordinate in meters as recorded on the topographic map or GPS receiver. Be sure to note any major differences between UTM coordinates on the map and those on the GPS receiver. Survey Information Date: Use MM-DD-YY format (e.g. 05/12/00 for May 12 of 2000). Observers: List names or initials of individuals involved with survey of this site and circle the name of the recorder. Begin Time: List the time the survey began in 24-hour format. End Time: List the time the survey ended in 24-hour format. Total Person Minutes of Search: Record the total person minutes the site was searched (e.g. if one person surveys for 15 minutes and another surveys for 30 minutes, but takes 5 minutes to measure a specimen the total person minutes is 40 minutes). Area (M 2) Searched: Area in square meters that was surveyed. Percent of Site Searched: Circle the appropriate category. Percent Slope: Percent slope of site. Enter range if variable. Aspect: Circle primary aspect of the site. Habitat Type: Circle the appropriate habitat type. Primary Canopy Species: List the major plant species in the canopy (e.g., red cedar, western hemlock, grand fir, ninebark) Overall Percent Canopy Cover: Circle the appropriate...