Also the "unification" of North and South Vietnam in July 1976 is outside the scope of this work. 1079 Sterio (n 392) 72-77 even considers Eritrea and East Timor as "historically remote" instances of secession. Chapter IV: State Practice on Acquired Rights 1080 On the annexation of Crimea Walter, 'Postscript' (n 386) especially 310; Marxsen (n 386), 380-391. 1081 See supra, Chapter II B) IV ). Mere de-facto regimes are also not included, cf. Sterio (n 392) 78-92. 1082 See in more detail Carsten Stahn, 'The United Nations Transitional Administrations in Kosovo and East Timor: A First Analysis' (2001), 5(1) Max Planck Yrbk UN L 105 110-115. 1083 See, in comparison especially with East Timor, ibid 121. However, some of the consequences of Namibia's independence from South Africa for its domestic legal order will be explained when talking about the transfer of the territory of Walvis Bay. A) Preliminary Remarks 1084 See Degan (n 2), 142 who considers successions taking place after 1990 as having a distinct character. 1085 General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina (14 December 1995) UN Doc. A/50/790-S/1995/999, in more detail infra, Chapter IV ) B) IV ) e).