Aim: To evaluate the soils of Malli-1 micro watershed situated in the North-Eastern Dry Zone (Zone-2) of Karnataka for sustainable crop development. Methodology: Eight soil profiles covering all soil types occurred in the study area were selected and studied for their detailed morphological, physical and chemical properties using standard soil testing procedures. Results: Soils of Malli-1 microwatershed varied from clay to clay loam in texture, moderately to strongly alkaline in reaction with low salt content and low to medium in per cent organic carbon content. Calcium and magnesium were the prevailing cations followed by sodium and potassium. Soils were classified upto the series level as per revisions in Soil Taxonomy by utilizing soil characteristics. Majority of soils in study area represents the Vertisols, Inceptisols and Entisols order. Interpretation: These results indicate that soils were less fertile due to deficit in soil nutrients. Recommended doses of organic bio-fertilizer and inorganic fertilizer should be practiced for reclamation of soil status. Key words: Electro chemical stability index, microwatershed, Soil resources, Soil survey