Equilibrium phase diagrams are calculated for a selection of two-component block copolymer architectures using self-consistent field theory (SCFT). The topology of the phase diagrams is relatively unaffected by differences in architecture, but the phase boundaries shift significantly in composition. The shifts are consistent with the decomposition of architectures into constituent units as proposed by Gido and co-workers, but there are significant quantitative deviations from this principle in the intermediatesegregation regime. Although the complex phase windows continue to be dominated by the gyroid (G) phase, the regions of the newly discovered Fddd (O 70 ) phase become appreciable for certain architectures and the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase becomes stable when the complex phase windows shift toward high compositional asymmetry.
■ INTRODUCTIONThe phase behavior of AB diblock copolymer melts has been well studied experimentally, 1 and self-consistent field theory (SCFT) 2 has been remarkably successful in explaining the equilibrium phase behavior.3−5 Vavasour and Whitmore 6 produced the first SCFT phase diagram, but it was limited to the classical lamellar (L), cylindrical (C), and bcc spherical (S) phases. Matsen and Schick 7 then extended it to include complex phases, predicting the gyroid (G) phase to be more stable than the perforated-lamellar (PL) phase as confirmed later by experiment.8 In a subsequent calculation by Matsen and Bates, 9 a narrow closed-packed spherical (S cp ) phase was predicted along the order−disorder transition (ODT), which has since been associated with a region of densely packed spherical micelles. 10,11 Most recently, the Fddd (O 70 ) phase was predicted by Tyler and Morse 12 and later observed in experiment.13−15 Figure 1 shows the current up-to-date SCFT phase diagram for AB diblock copolymer melts.The AB diblock is just the simplest block copolymer among an unlimited variety of different architectures. It is natural to ask how the phase behavior changes for other architectures, but this has proven to be a daunting task as soon as a third chemically distinct component is involved; in fact, even the simple linear ABC triblock exhibits so many morphologies that we might never catalogue them all. 16 Nevertheless, the phase behavior appears manageable for those architectures comprised of just two segment types. Among this class of architectures, the ABA triblock is the next most studied block copolymer, 17 mainly because of its commercial use as a thermoplastic elastomer. There were also a considerable number of early experiments on star block copolymers, formed by joining three or more diblocks together by their ends. The general conclusion from these studies is that all AB-type architectures have similar phase diagrams, but with significantly shifted phase boundaries. The reason for the similarity is fairly well understood. Although mechanical properties are completely altered by snipping the middle B blocks of an ABA triblock melt in half, the free energy is re...