This paper aimed to devise an efficient algorithm applicable to ground penetrating radar (GPR) and to enable an automatic landmine detection. Proposed is a machine learning approach in which we put the main emphasis on fast performance of the scanning procedure analyzing the C-scans, i.e., 3-D images defined over the coordinate system, i.e., along track by across track by time, where the time axis can be associated with depth. The approach is based on our proposition of 3-D Haar-like features.
Learning of the detector is carried out by boosted decision trees.Practical experiments on metal and plastic antitank mines in a garden soil are carried out. A prototype mobile platform is designed to scan the subsurface of the ground, equipped with a GPR based on a standard vector network analyzer and our original antenna system. We report the results, particularly the following: detection sensitivity, false alarm rates, receiver operating characteristic curves, and times of learning and detection.