Over the past decades, the depletion of natural environment under the influence of man-made factors has become apparent. But the formation of this trend was laid even more than a century ago. Significant progress in technical, technological and scientific fields has led to an increase in population, improvement of its well-being and active exploitation of natural resources. As a result, there was an active settlement of vast territories, transformation of natural territories into cultivated lands, loss of forest and flood-plain lands, excessive consumption of all resources, high dependence on fossil fuels, which as a result had a negative impact on the environment [1]. It is human activity that has the most active influence on ecosystems, subjecting all their components to changes in particular, including their topography [2]. Although human involvement in the evolution of relief has a long history, so, fundamental changes are observed in our time. With the deepening of industrial revolution, acceleration of urbanization process and constant socio-economic development, changes in the relief no longer occur solely under the action of