The Mountain Front Flexure marks a dominant topographic step in the frontal part of the Zagros Fold-Thrust Belt. It is characterized by numerous active anticlines atop of an underlying basement fault. So far, little is known about the relative activity of the anticlines, about their evolution, and about how crustal deformation migrates over time. We assessed the relative 10 landscape maturity of three along-strike anticlines (from SE to NW: Harir, Perat, and Akre) located on the hanging wall of the Mountain Front Flexure in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq to identify the most active structures and to get insights into the evolution of the fault and thrust belt. Landscape maturity was evaluated using geomorphic indices such as hypsometric curves, hypsometric integral, surface roughness, and surface index. Subsequently, numerical landscape evolution models were run to estimate the relative time difference between the onset of growth of the three anticlines, using the present-day topography of 15 the Harir Anticline as a base model. A stream power equation was used to introduce fluvial erosion, and a hillslope diffusion equation was applied to account for colluvial sediment transport. For different time steps of model evolution, we calculated the geomorphic indices generated from the base model. While Akre Anticline shows deeply incised valleys and advanced erosion, Harir and Perat anticlines have relatively smoother surfaces and are supposedly younger than the Akre Anticline. The landscape maturity level decreases from NW to SE. A comparison of the geomorphic indices of the model output to those of 20 the present-day Akre Anticline topography revealed that it would take the Harir Anticline 70±10 kyr and 200±20 kyr to reach the maturity level of the Perat and Akre anticlines, respectively, assuming constant erosion and rock uplift rates along the three anticlines. Since the factors controlling geomorphology (lithology, structural setting and climate) are similar for all three anticlines, and under the assumption of constant growth and erosion rates, we infer that uplift of the Akre Anticline started 200±20 kyr before that of the Harir Anticline, with the Perat Anticline showing an intermediate age. A NW-ward propagation 25of the Harir Anticline itself implies that the uplift has been independent within different segments rather than being continuous from NW to SE. Our method of estimating the relative age difference can be applied to many other anticlines in the Mountain Front Flexure region to construct a model of temporal evolution of this belt. Solid Earth Discuss., https://doi.