“…The tec tonic evo lu tion of Bilogora, rep re sent ing a NE fragment of the Cro atian part of the Pannonian Ba sin Sys tem (CPBS), is linked with the youn gest tec tonic stage in evo lu tion of the Pannonian Ba sin Sys tem (PBS) (e.g., Prelogoviae et al, 1998;Luèiae et al, 2001;Malviae et al, 2003;Saftiae et al, 2003;Malviae and Veliae, 2011;Matoš et al, 2016). The tec tonic evo lution of the PBS started with the Late Oligocene to Early Miocene col li sion be tween the Adria Microplate and the Eu ro pean Plate that yielded an E-di rected ex tru sion of the ALCAPA crustal block, and an E-W di rected ex ten sion of the PBS embayment with for ma tion of NNW-SSW strik ing rift-and wrench -re lated troughs (Royden and Horváth, 1988;Nagymarosy and Müller, 1988;Ratsch bacher, 1991;Fodor et al, 1998;Tari and Pamiae, 1998;Tari et al, 1999;Horváth and Tari, 1999;Steininger and Wessely, 1999;Lenkey et al, 2002;Csontos and Vörös, 2004;Usta szewski et al, 2008).…”