Monetary policy communication is particularly important during unconventional times, because high uncertainty about the economy, the introduction of new policy tools and possible limits to the central bank's toolkit could hamper the predictability of policy actions. We study how monetary policy communication should and has worked under such circumstances. Our main results relate to announcements of asset purchase programmes and the use of forward guidance. We show that announcements of asset purchase programmes have lowered market uncertainty, particularly when accompanied by a contextual release of implementation details such as the envisaged size of the programme. We also show that forward guidance reduces uncertainty more effectively when it is state-contingent or when it provides guidance about a long horizon than when it is open-ended or covers only a short horizon, and that the credibility of forward guidance is strengthened if the central bank also has embarked on an asset purchase programme.
Non-technical summaryCommunication can help making central banks transparent and thereby contribute to their accountability and to the management of expectations of economic agents. While these roles are generally important, they become even more relevant in unconventional times, when central banks need to explain the rationale and the workings of the various new policy tools that they employ, when the public will want to understand how the central bank will use the new tools, and how the central bank will eventually want to exit from using these tools. Managing expectations of economic agents about the future course of monetary policy is therefore essential in such circumstances, also because under a situation of elevated uncertainty, the central bank should strive to minimize any uncertainty about its own behaviour, to the extent possible.Looking back at several years of experience with unconventional monetary policies in several economies, this paper provides an assessment of the effects and effectiveness of central bank communication during unconventional times. The focus of the paper is on the role of clarity in central bank communication, both when it comes to announcing new policy tools and when using forward guidance. The paper shows that communication about new policy tools reduces market uncertainty in particular when the announcements provide information about the envisaged size of a programme. With regard to forward guidance, clarity can be achieved by stressing the statedependency of the central bank's reaction function. In line with this reasoning, the paper shows that forward guidance is more effective in managing expectations when it is state-contingent or when it provides guidance about a long horizon than when it is open-ended or covers only a short horizon. In addition, the credibility of forward guidance seems to be considerably enhanced if the central bank simultaneously has an asset purchase programme in place.The findings of this paper have implications for monetary policy communicatio...