Abstract-There is not a method abandoned as what it might be called a baby-and-bathwater type reaction.Still all the methods have failed to deliver quit the hoped-for miracles. In this way, methodology alone can never be a solution to find what is searching. Rather it is an aid and suggestion. In addition, in the case of methodology, it is true that we are moving in risky area. Research on the related literature of Language Learning Strategies (LLSs) shows that LLSs has a history of only thirty years that is much sporadic (Chamot, 2005a). Recently such strategies have been the focus of specific research (Oxford, 1990), and much of the research was descriptive. The Strategy Inventory for Language Learning(SILL) of Rebecca L. Oxford which is a kind of self-report questionnaire, as an important instrument to measure LLSs, has been used extensively by researchers in many countries, its reliability has been checked in multiple ways, and has been reported as high validity, reliability, and utility(Oxford, 1996a). In the current study, the investigator aims to explore nature of methodology and the use of SILL in the studies of LLSs.Index Terms-language learning strategies, self-report questionnaires, strategy inventory for language learning, methodology in the studies of language learning strategies