Native and recombined lipoproteins have been studied by 31p nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Very low-, low-, and high-density lipoproteins exhibited characteristic spectra. The main resonances were assigned to phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin. Relaxation times for these phospholipids were separately measured in low-density lipoproteins and high-density lipo-proteins. The effect of paramagnetic ions (Eu+++) on the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum of high-density lipoproteins is reported.The use of nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has emerged as a useful tool for examining lipid-lipid and lipid-protein interactions. Recently, human serum lipoproteins have been examined by proton and '3C NMR spectroscopy (1-6). To date, however, a1p studies of human lipoproteins have not been reported. Different groups of phospholipids, each defined according to their polar head group moiety, are present to a different extent in lipoprotein classes. 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy might contribute to the understanding of the arrangement and spatial organization of the molecules within these particles. The purpose of this study was to provide data on the 31P NMR spectra (Fourier transform technique) of human very low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), lowdensity lipoproteins (LDL), high-density lipoproteins (HDL) and in vitro reconstituted lipoproteins. Various resonances have been assigned to the appropriate P atoms, and spin lattice relaxation times (T1) of phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin in LDL and HDL have been separately measured. The effect of paramagnetic ions (Eu+++) on the NMR spectrum of HDL is reported. were averaged with a Nova computer using 16 k of data storage and a 12 kHz digitation rate corresponding to 6 kHz sweep width. Thus, the transformed spectra had maximum resolution of 0.7 Hz. In general, between 2 and 10 thousand transients were averaged before multiplication of the accumulated free induction decay by an exponentially decaying function. The chemical shifts reported are believed accurate to within ±0.1 ppm. T1's are considered accurate to within 10%. In experiments employing Eu+++, small volumes of Tris buffer, pD = 7, I = 0.01, containing appropriate amounts of Eu(NO3)3 (Merck, Sharp & Dohme), were added to the HDL solution, which had previously been exhaustively dialyzed against the above buffer. The sample was vortexed gently during the addition of the paramagnetic ions in order to obtain rapid mixing.Isolation of Lipoprotein and Apolipoprotein Fractions. Plasma was obtained from fasting normal volunteers by plasmapheresis. The plasma was collected in 0.01% disodium EDTA, pH 7.5, and used within 24 hr for the isolation of lipoprotein fractions. VLDL were isolated at plasma density (1.006) by ultracentrifugal flotation at 50, LDL and HDL were isolated by ultracentrifugal flotation between KBr densities 1.019 and 1.063 and 1.063-1.21 g/ml, respectively. All fractions were washed twice by ultracentrifugation at the respective densities used for isolation. After the final ...