Introduction:Operative laparoscopy is the most common used technique for treatment of patients with ovarian endometriomas, because of many positive effects in comparison with laparotomy. There are many laparoscopic techniques, but most used are cystectomy and puncture with endocoagulation (ablation) of the cyst’s capsule. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two laparoscopic techniques for treatment of ovarian endometriomas on ovarian reserve. We used two ultrasonographic markers for ovarian reserve: ovarian volume and antral follicle count (AFC).Materials and Methods:Sixty patients in reproductive age (18-42 years) were treated for a chronic pelvic pain or infertility in a tertiary hospital (University Clinic for Gynecology and Obstetrics in Skopje, R. Macedonia). The study was prospective and two laparoscopic techniques were used. All patients were with confirmed ultrasound diagnosis for ovarian endometriomas with diameter between 3 and 8 cm. Complete cystectomy was done in 30 patients (group A) and puncture with endocoagulation was done in other 30 patients (group B). Ovarian reserve was analyzed before surgery and was controlled one and three months after laparoscopic surgery.Results:In group A (operated with cystectomy) ovarian volume was 53.46±29.97 cm³ before surgery, which fell to 13.06±7.34 cm³ after one month, and 13.28±7.17 cm³ after three months. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction in ovarian volume one and three months after surgery (p≤0.01). In group B (operated with puncture and endocoagulation) the ovarian volume was 58.34±37.99 cm³ before surgery, which fell to 18.96±7.90 cm³ one month and 17.38±6.86 cm³ three months after surgery. In both groups there was a significant reduction in ovarian volume one and three months postoperatively (p≤0.01). In the first group AFC was 3.03±1.27 before surgery, 4.8±1.30 one month after surgery and 6.23±1.57 after three months. Statistical analysis showed a significant increase in AFC after laparoscopic cystectomy (p≤0.01). In the second group AFC was 3.07±1.05 before surgery, 5.33±1.60 after one month and 7.0±1.62 after three months. The comparison of AFC showed high statistically significant difference (p≤0.001), e.g. increase of AFC after one and three months in comparison with AFC before surgery.Conclusions:Ovarian reserve decreases after laparoscopic surgery using both laparoscopic techniques. But, this decrease was more frequent using cystectomy in comparison with ablation of the endometriotic cyst.